Managing your computers with a Salt Master and Git

Dan Poirier

Lightning Lunch Talk

November 22, 2013

Presenter Notes

  • I've been moving toward using Salt to manage some of my personal systems, and recently added a Salt Master and put my data into Git.
  • I'm going to share some of how I'm doing this and how it's working.
  • Consider this talk anecdotal, not authoritative.

Salt Master

Why? A master serves two roles:

  • Server
  • Controller

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  • Server for states and pillar data, so you don't have to sync your state and pillar files to all your minions some other way
  • One place where you can kick off updates to many systems at once (if you want)

Even with a master, you can still kick off updates on each minion anytime you want.


Recent versions of Salt have added Git integration.

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  • Not just storing state and pillar files in git, and checking them out on the master
  • The Master actively checks the git upstream for changes and pulls them before updating systems.
  • The minion does not have that ability, so we need a master to take advantage
  • Note though that the git support still seems a bit buggy, not quite production-ready in 0.17.1

Setting up a master

  • A VM
  • Ubuntu

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  • A small VM on Digital Ocean ($5/month)
  • Ubuntu 13.04 64bit

Installing Salt Master

I use the bootstrap script and specify a particular version:

curl --insecure -L \
| sh -s -- -M -N git v0.17.1


  • The default is to just install the minion.
  • -M adds the master
  • -N skips the minion.
  • git get the code from github
  • v0.17.1. look for a tag or branch v0.17.1

Presenter Notes

  • Both PyPI and their Ubuntu PPA tend to lag releases, so if you want the latest, this seems to be the best way to get it, straight from github.
  • This particular invocation installs the master without the minion.

State files from git

In /etc/salt/master, comment out the config related to getting the state files from the local file system:

# fileserver_backend:
#  - roots
# file_roots:
#  base:
#    - /srv/salt

Enable the git fileserver backend:

  - git

And give it one or more git repos to look at:

  - git://

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Private git repos

If the repo is private, you need to access it using ssh:

  - git+ssh://

And put a passwordless private ssh key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa under the user that salt master is running as

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  • (You can probably arrange for ssh connectivity any way ssh supports, but that's what the Salt docs say.)

Pillar from git

For no apparent reason, configuring git as a source of pillar files is rather different from how to configure git as a source of state files:

   - git: master git+ssh://

Presenter Notes

  • Don't comment out the default pillar_roots, just don't put any files there, or set base to an empty dictionary -
  • There's a bug in 0.17.1 that breaks Salt if the default pillar config is removed.

Misc. other master settings

More compact output:

state_output: mixed

Run as non-root:

user: salt-master

Presenter Notes

  • state_output: mixed gives one-line output for successful states, more verbose for ones that fail
  • You can run salt-master pretty easily as non-root because it just talks to minions and git over the network, it doesn't apply changes to machines.

Installing Salt Minion

Bootstrap script again, don't need any extra options this time though, just git to get salt from github, and the version:

curl --insecure -L \
| sh -s -- git v0.17.1

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Configuring Salt Minion

Not much needed. In /etc/salt/minion:

master: <full hostname of master>
id: <shorthostname of minion>
state_output: mixed

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All the minion needs is a name and how to find the master, and you can skip the name if you're happy with just using the hostname.

Start the minion

Might need to start the minion:

sudo service salt-minion start

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Accept the minion's key on the master

The master won't talk to any minion unless you say it's okay:

# salt-key -a <minion ID>

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  • When the minion starts, it'll connect to the master and offer its key (randomly generated the first time it starts)
  • The master will refuse to talk to it, though, until you tell the master to accept that key.

What am I doing with Salt?

  • Personal preferences - user account, Emacs, .bashrc
  • Personal services - dropbox
  • Connectivity - ssh keys, email aliases
  • Development - useful packages
  • System config - obscure things I always forget to do and then have to look up

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Useful packages

Install packages I want everywhere:

    - name: screen
    - name: sqlite3

or just Ubuntu:

{% if grains['os'] == 'Ubuntu' %}
{% for pkg in 'tasksel', 'python-software-properties' %}
{{ pkg }}:
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

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PPA for latest version:

{% if grains['os'] == 'Ubuntu' %}
    # Emacs
    - ppa: cassou/emacs
    - require_in:
      - pkg: emacs24
{% endif %}

Install packages with latest version:

{% for name in ['emacs24', 'emacs24-el'] %}
{{ name }}:
  {% if grains['os'] == 'Ubuntu' %}
    - require:
      - pkgrepo: ppa-emacs
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

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Pillar data

A sample of what I have in pillar:

{% if 'caktus' in grains['domain'] %}
myusername: dpoirier
mygroupname: dpoirier
myhomedir: /home/dpoirier
{% else %}
myusername: poirier
{% endif %}

You get the idea.

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  • I could use a different username on every system if I want, and wouldn't have to change a single state file.

Access to Git repos using a deploy key


    - name: {{ pillar['myhomedir'] }}/.ssh/id_bitbucket
    - contents_pillar: bitbucket:deploy_key
    - user: {{ pillar['myuid'] }}
    - group: {{ pillar['mygid'] }}
    - mode: 400

In pillar:

  deploy_key: |

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Emacs config files from Git

I keep my ~/.emacs.d directory in git, and this state keeps it up to date on all my systems:
    - rev: master
    - target: {{ pillar['myhomedir'] }}/.emacs.d
    - user: {{ pillar['myusername'] }}
    - group: {{ pillar['mygid'] }}
    - identity: {{ pillar['myhomedir'] }}/.ssh/id_bitbucket
    - require:
        - user: {{ pillar['myusername'] }}
        - file: bitbucket_deploy_key

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Tell Debian I want to use Emacs as my default editor


    - name: editor
    - link: /usr/bin/editor
    - path: /usr/bin/emacs
    - priority: 100

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Cron job to update nightly

Use salt to set up the cron job to run salt between 2 and 2:59 am each day:

/usr/bin/salt-call -l quiet state.highstate:
    - user: root
    - minute: random
    - hour: 2

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Sysctl Settings

PyCharm and Crashplan both want you to increase the kernel setting for how many files they can monitor for changes. This is the kind of thing I always used to forget to do when I set up a new machine, but not anymore:

    - value: 1048576

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Getting dropbox installed and connected under my account isn't fully automated yet, but once that's done, I use Salt to reliably have Supervisor keep dropbox running:

# dropbox.sls
    - restart: True
    - watch:
      - file: /etc/supervisor/conf.d/dropbox.conf
    - require:
      - pkg: supervisor
      - file: /etc/supervisor/conf.d/dropbox.conf

      - source: salt://dropbox/dropbox_supervisor.conf
      - user: root
      - group: root
      - template: jinja

      - watch:
          - file: /etc/supervisor/conf.d/dropbox.conf

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Dropbox (cont)

Here's the template for the supervisor config file for dropbox:

# dropbox_supervisor.conf
command=/home/{{ pillar['myusername'] }}/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd
directory=/home/{{ pillar['myusername'] }}
user={{ pillar['myusername'] }}

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Installing Java on Ubuntu is a pain, but Salt can handle it:

    - name: oracle-java8-installer
    - data:
        shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1: {'type': boolean, 'value': true}
    - require:
        - pkg: debconf-utils

    # Java
    - ppa: webupd8team/java
    - require_in:
      - pkg: java

    - name: oracle-java8-installer
    - require:
      - debconf: accept-java-license

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TODO list

Some things I'd still like to do:

  • Set up automatic backups
  • Configure postfix for email
  • Make my states public (once I'm sure there's no personal data in there)

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More information

  • Salt bootstrap <>
  • Salt master config <>
  • Keeping stuff in git <>
  • List of salt states <>

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