Dan Poirier
Lightning Lunch Talk
November 22, 2013
Why? A master serves two roles:
Even with a master, you can still kick off updates on each minion anytime you want.
Recent versions of Salt have added Git integration.
I use the bootstrap script and specify a particular version:
curl --insecure -L http://bootstrap.saltstack.org \ | sh -s -- -M -N git v0.17.1
In /etc/salt/master, comment out the config related to getting the state files from the local file system:
# fileserver_backend: # - roots # file_roots: # base: # - /srv/salt
Enable the git fileserver backend:
fileserver_backend: - git
And give it one or more git repos to look at:
gitfs_remotes: - git://github.com/saltstack/salt-states.git
If the repo is private, you need to access it using ssh:
gitfs_remotes: - git+ssh://git@prius.poirier.us/salt-states.git
And put a passwordless private ssh key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa under the user that salt master is running as
For no apparent reason, configuring git as a source of pillar files is rather different from how to configure git as a source of state files:
ext_pillar: - git: master git+ssh://git@prius.poirier.us/salt-pillar.git
More compact output:
state_output: mixed
Run as non-root:
user: salt-master
Bootstrap script again, don't need any extra options this time though, just git to get salt from github, and the version:
curl --insecure -L http://bootstrap.saltstack.org \ | sh -s -- git v0.17.1
Not much needed. In /etc/salt/minion:
master: <full hostname of master> id: <shorthostname of minion> state_output: mixed
All the minion needs is a name and how to find the master, and you can skip the name if you're happy with just using the hostname.
Might need to start the minion:
sudo service salt-minion start
The master won't talk to any minion unless you say it's okay:
# salt-key -a <minion ID>
Install packages I want everywhere:
packages: pkg.latest: - name: screen - name: sqlite3
or just Ubuntu:
{% if grains['os'] == 'Ubuntu' %} {% for pkg in 'tasksel', 'python-software-properties' %} {{ pkg }}: pkg.latest {% endfor %} {% endif %}
PPA for latest version:
{% if grains['os'] == 'Ubuntu' %} ppa-emacs: pkgrepo.managed: # Emacs - ppa: cassou/emacs - require_in: - pkg: emacs24 {% endif %}
Install packages with latest version:
{% for name in ['emacs24', 'emacs24-el'] %} {{ name }}: pkg.latest: {% if grains['os'] == 'Ubuntu' %} - require: - pkgrepo: ppa-emacs {% endif %} {% endfor %}
A sample of what I have in pillar:
{% if 'caktus' in grains['domain'] %} myusername: dpoirier mygroupname: dpoirier myemail: dpoirier@caktusgroup.com myhomedir: /home/dpoirier {% else %} myusername: poirier myemail: dan@poirier.us ... {% endif %}
You get the idea.
bitbucket_deploy_key: file.managed: - name: {{ pillar['myhomedir'] }}/.ssh/id_bitbucket - contents_pillar: bitbucket:deploy_key - user: {{ pillar['myuid'] }} - group: {{ pillar['mygid'] }} - mode: 400
In pillar:
bitbucket: deploy_key: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ....
I keep my ~/.emacs.d directory in git, and this state keeps it up to date on all my systems:
git@bitbucket.org:poirier/emacs.d.git: git.latest: - rev: master - target: {{ pillar['myhomedir'] }}/.emacs.d - user: {{ pillar['myusername'] }} - group: {{ pillar['mygid'] }} - identity: {{ pillar['myhomedir'] }}/.ssh/id_bitbucket - require: - user: {{ pillar['myusername'] }} - file: bitbucket_deploy_key
editor: alternatives.install: - name: editor - link: /usr/bin/editor - path: /usr/bin/emacs - priority: 100
Use salt to set up the cron job to run salt between 2 and 2:59 am each day:
/usr/bin/salt-call -l quiet state.highstate: cron.present: - user: root - minute: random - hour: 2
PyCharm and Crashplan both want you to increase the kernel setting for how many files they can monitor for changes. This is the kind of thing I always used to forget to do when I set up a new machine, but not anymore:
fs.inotify.max_user_watches: sysctl.present: - value: 1048576
Getting dropbox installed and connected under my account isn't fully automated yet, but once that's done, I use Salt to reliably have Supervisor keep dropbox running:
# dropbox.sls dropbox: supervisord.running: - restart: True - watch: - file: /etc/supervisor/conf.d/dropbox.conf - require: - pkg: supervisor - file: /etc/supervisor/conf.d/dropbox.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/dropbox.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://dropbox/dropbox_supervisor.conf - user: root - group: root - template: jinja extend: supervisor: service: - watch: - file: /etc/supervisor/conf.d/dropbox.conf
Here's the template for the supervisor config file for dropbox:
# dropbox_supervisor.conf [program:dropbox] command=/home/{{ pillar['myusername'] }}/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd numprocs=1 directory=/home/{{ pillar['myusername'] }} user={{ pillar['myusername'] }} redirect_stderr=true
Installing Java on Ubuntu is a pain, but Salt can handle it:
accept-java-license: debconf.set: - name: oracle-java8-installer - data: shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1: {'type': boolean, 'value': true} - require: - pkg: debconf-utils ppa-java: pkgrepo.managed: # Java - ppa: webupd8team/java - require_in: - pkg: java java: pkg.latest: - name: oracle-java8-installer - require: - debconf: accept-java-license
Some things I'd still like to do:
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